刘丽君 教授
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作者: | 发布时间: 2022-10-14 | 浏览次数: 11513

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2015.10 -至今        教授,山东农业大学林学院

2015.04 - 2015.10    研究员,中国农科院深圳基因组研究所,入选中国农科院青年英才计划A

2011.02 - 2015.04    博士后,美国农业部林务局太平洋西南戴维斯研究站

2008.09 - 2011.01    博士后,加州大学戴维斯分校

2003.09 - 2008.09    博士,中科院上海植物生理生态研究所

1999.09 - 2003.06    学士, 山东师范大学,生命科学学院


2008     中国科学院朱李月华优秀博士生奖




  1. 杨树次生生长的分子调控机制

  2. 杨树响应逆境的分子调控机制


  1. 杨树LBD38基因在树干次生生长中功能的解析, 国家自然科学基金青年项目(31700583)2018.01-2020.12,主持

  2. 十四五国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目-杨树纤维素、半纤维素与木质素合成的遗传基础及协同调控机制(2021YFD2200800),2021.12-2026.11,子课题主持

  3. 杨树WNDR1转录因子的功能研究,中国林科院林木遗传育种国家重点实验室开放课题(TGB2021006),2021.10-2023.09,主持

  4. 山东省教育厅高等学校青创人才引育计划-林木生物技术研究团队,2020.01-2022.12,参与

  5. 华北地区杨树主栽品种高效、安全、规模化遗传转化, 国家科技重大专项(2018ZX08020002-005-004)2018.01-2020.12,参与


  1. Li-Jun Liu, Yan-Chun Zhang, Qing-Hua Li, Yi Sang, Jian Mao, Hong-Li Lian, Long Wang,and Hong-Quan Yang. (2008) COP1-Mediated Ubiquitination of CONSTANS Is Implicated in Cryptochrome Regulation of Flowering in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell200820:292–306

  2. Li-Jun Liua, Vladimir Filkov b, and Andrew Groovera,c (2014) Modeling transcriptional networks regulating secondary growth and wood formation in forest trees.Physiologia Plantarum2014 151: 156–163

  3. Li-Jun Liu*,&, Victor Missirian#, Matthew Zinkgraf*, Andrew Groover*,&, Vladimir Filkov$,&(2014) Evaluation of experimental design and computational parameter choices affecting analyses of ChIP-seq and RNA-seq data in undomesticated poplar trees. BMC Genomics201415(Suppl 5):S3

  4. Li-Jun Liu1, Matthew Zinkgraf1, H. Earl Petzold3, Eric P. Beers3, Vladimir Filkov2, and Andrew Groover1,4,*(2015) The Populus ARBORKNOX1 homeodomain transcription factor regulates woody growth through binding to evolutionarily conserved target genes of diverse function. New PhytologistArticle first published online 2014 Nov 7. doi: 10.1111/nph.13151

  5. Li-Jun Liu1, Trevor Ramsay2, Matthew Zinkgraf1, David Sundell3, Nathaniel Robert Street3, Vladimir Filkov2, and Andrew Groover1,4,*(2015) A resource for characterizing genome-wide binding and putative target genes of transcription factors expressed during secondary growth in Populus. The Plant Journal 2015 Jun;82(5):887-98. doi: 10.1111/tpj.12850

  6. Matthew Zinkgraf 1,2, Li-Jun Liu 1, Andrew Groover 1,3, Vladimir Filkov 2 (2017) Identifying gene coexpression networks underlying the dynamic regulation of wood-forming tissues in Populus under diverse environmental conditions. New Phytol. 2017 Mar 1. doi: 10.1111/nph.14492.

  7. Qing Chao1, Zhi-Fang Gao1,4, Dong Zhang2, Biligen-Gaowa Zhao1,4, Feng-Qin Dong3, Chun-Xiang Fu6, Li-Jun Liu7, Bai-Chen Wang1*(2018) The developmental dynamics of the Populus stem transcriptome. Plant Biotechnol Journal. 2018 May 31. doi: 10.1111/pbi.12958.

  8. Zhang X1, Liu L2, Chen B3, Qin Z4, Xiao Y5, Zhang Y6, Yao R7, Liu H8, Yang H9.(2019) Progress in Understanding the Physiological and MolecularResponses of Populus to SaltStress. Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Mar 15;20(6). pii: E1312. doi: 10.3390/ijms20061312.

  9. Jin-Gui Liu1#, Xiao Han2#, Tong Yang1, Wen-Hui Cui1, Ai-Min Wu3,Chun-Xiang Fu4, Bai-Chen Wang5, and Li-Jun Liu1*(2019) Genome-widetranscriptionaladaptation to salt stress in Populus. BMC Plant Biology. 2019 Aug 20;19(1):367. doi: 10.1186/s12870-019-1952-2.

  10. Wenqi Qin1,2, Qi Yin1,2, Jiajun Chen1,2, Xianhai Zhao1,2, Fengxia Yue3, Junbo He1,2, Linjie Yang3, Lijun Liu4, Qingyin Zeng5, Fachuang Lu3, Nobutaka Mitsuda6, Masaru Ohme-Takagi7, Ai-Min Wu1, 2* The Class II KNOX transcription factors KNAT3 and KNAT7 synergistically regulate monolignol biosynthesis in Arabidopsis. Journal Experimental Botany.2020 May 31; eraa266.doi: 10.1093/jxb/eraa266. Online ahead of print.

  11. Baojia Dai, Chen Chen , Yi Liu, Lijun Liu, Mirza Faisal Qaseem, JinxiangWang, Huiling Li,* and Ai-Min Wu *Physiological, Biochemical, and Transcriptomic Responses of Neolamarckia cadamba to Aluminum Stress. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21, 9624; doi:10.3390/ijms21249624

  12. Zhen Han1#, Tong Yang1#, Ying Guo1, Wen-Hui Cui1, Li-Juan Yao1, Gang Li2, Ai-Min Wu3,Ji-Hong Li1,and Li-Jun Liu1*, The transcription factor PagLBD3 contributes to the regulation of secondary growth in Populus. Journal of Experimental Botany.2021 Oct 26;72(20):7092-7106. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erab351.