吴岐奎 讲师
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作者: | 发布时间: 2021-04-07 | 浏览次数: 5643


职      称










2008.09-2012.07 山东农业大学\林学院\园林\学士

2012.09-2015.07 山东农业大学\林学院\林木遗传育种\硕士

2016.09-2020.06 南京林业大学\林学院\森林培育\博士

2019.01-2020.03 UBC\Faculty of Forestry\访问学生


2020.09-现在 山东农业大学\林学院\园林系\讲师

2020.10-2021.10 山东省委选派“加强农村基层党组织建设”工作队\菏泽市曹县楼庄镇小队\省派队员











Qikui Wu, Hong Chen, Zihan Zhang, Chen Chen, Fangyuan Yu* and Robert D. Guy*. Effects of fruit shading on gene and protein expression during starch and oil accumulation in developing Styrax tonkinensis kernels[J].Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 905633.

Chen Chen, Hong Chen, Chao Han, Zemao Liu, Fangyuan Yu* and Qikui Wu*. 24-Epibrassinolide and methyl jasmonate promoted seed development of Styrax tonkinensis and affected seed chemical compositions, especially seed lipid metabolism[J]. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00344-022-10689-z.

Chen Chen, Hong Chen, Chao Han, Zemao Liu, Fangyuan Yu* and Qikui Wu*. 24-Epibrassinolide promotes fatty acid accumulation and the expression of related genes in Styrax tonkinensis seeds[J]. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23: 8897.

Qikui Wu, Chen Chen, Xiaojun Wang, Zihan Zhang, Fangyuan Yu* and Robert D. Guy*. Proteomic analysis of metabolic mechanisms associated with fatty acid biosynthesis during Styrax tonkinensis kernel development[J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2021, 101: 6053-6063.

Qikui Wu, Yuanyuan Cao, Chen Chen, Zhenzhou Gao, Fangyuan Yu* and Robert D. Guy*. Transcriptome analysis of metabolic pathways associated with oil accumulation in developing seed kernels ofStyrax tonkinensis, a woody biodiesel species[J]. BMC Plant Biology, 2020, 20: 121.

Qikui Wu, Xue Zhao, Chen Chen, Zihan Zhang and Fangyuan Yu*. Metabolite profiling and classification of developing Styrax tonkinensis kernels[J]. Metabolites, 2020, 10: 21.

Qikui Wu, Yuanyuan Cao, Xue Zhao, Zihan Zhang, Fangyuan Yu* and Robert D. Guy*. A comparative study of seed reserve accumulation in five Styraxspecies with potential for biofuel production[J]. Trees- Structure and Function, 2020, 34(4): 891-902.

Qikui Wu#, Zihan Zhang#, Huan Peng, Yali Wu and Fangyuan Yu*. The nutrient distribution in the continuum of the pericarp, seed coat, and kernel during Styrax tonkinensisfruit development[J]. PeerJ, 2019, 7: e7996.

Qikui Wu, Limin Sun, Xuan Wang, Xiaojing Liu, Xia Sun* and Shiyan Xing*. Assessing the genetic diversity ofIndigofera kirilowiiusing AFLP makers[J]. Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 2019, 48: 1237-1241.

吴岐奎, 费馨冉, 高燕, 陈晨, 曹媛媛, 喻方圆*. 野茉莉属8个油料树种燃料特性的比较分析[J]. 中国油脂, 2019, 44:27-30.

吴岐奎, 吴亚丽, 喻方圆*. 不同家系东京野茉莉苗期生长的差异性[J]. 南京林业大学学报(自然科学版), 2018, 42:191-196.

吴岐奎, 邢世岩*, 王萱, 孙立民. 核用银杏品种遗传关系的AFLP分析[J]. 园艺学报, 2015, 42:961-968.

吴岐奎, 邢世岩*, 王萱, 孙立民. 叶用银杏种质资源黄酮和萜内酯类含量及AFLP遗传多样性分析[J]. 园艺学报, 2014, 41:2373-2382.

吴岐奎, 邢世岩*, 王萱, 孙立民, 滕文凤. 腾冲县古银杏资源的分布和结构特征[J]. 西部林业科学, 2014, 43:81-86.

吴岐奎, 邢世岩*, 范圣明, 王萱, 孙立民, 刘晓静. 基于AFLP的垂乳银杏种质遗传多样性分析[J]. 西南林业大学学报, 2014, 34: 7-11.