刘建宁 讲师
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作者: | 发布时间: 2016-09-04 | 浏览次数: 5484

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刘建宁,博士,甘肃庆阳人。202410月进入山东农业大学林学院工作。主要研究方向为林木基因组学及耐盐机理。参与了国家自然科学基金和山东省农业良种工程等项目的研究工作。近五年以第一作者(含并列一作)或通讯作者在《Plant Communications》、《GigaScience》和《Frontiers in Plant Science》等国际重要学术刊物发表研究论文8篇。


2005.06-2009.09 陇东学院\生命科学系\生物技术\学士

2009.06-2012.03 浙江理工大学\生命科学学院\生物化学与分子生物学\硕士

2012.06-2016.06 杭州联川生物技术有限公司\技术部\技术工程师

2016.06-2020.09 山东开亿基因科技有限公司\总经办\总经理

2020.09-2024.06 山东农业大学\林学院\林学\博士

2024.10-至今 山东农业大学\林学院\讲师








[1] Liu JN, Yan L, Chai Z, Liang Q, Dong Y, Wang C, Li X, Li C, Mu Y, Gong A, Yang J, Li J, Yang KQ, Wu D, Fang H. Pan-genome analyses of 11 Fraxinus species provide insights into salt adaptation in ash trees, Plant Communications, 2024, 5: 101137.

[2] Liu JN, Fang H, Liang Q, Dong Y, Wang C, Yan L, Ma X, Zhou R, Lang X, Gai S, Wang L, Xu S, Yang KQ, Wu D. Genomic analyses provide insights into the evolution and salinity adaptation of halophyte Tamarix chinensis. GigaScience. 2023, 12: giad053.

[3] Liu JN, Ma X, Yan L, Liang Q, Fang H, Wang C, Dong Y, Chai Z, Zhou R, Bao Y, Wang L, Gai S, Lang X, Yang KQ, Chen R, Wu D. MicroRNA and degradome profiling uncover defense response of Fraxinus velutina Torr. to salt stress. Front Plant Sci. 2022, 13: 847853.

[4] Ma X, Liu JN (并列一作), Yan L, Liang Q, Fang H, Wang C, Dong Y, Chai Z, Zhou R, Bao Y, Hou W, Yang KQ, Wu D. Comparative transcriptome analysis unravels defense pathways of Fraxinus velutina Torr. against salt stress. Front Plant Sci. 2022, 13: 842726.

[5] Liang Q, Liu JN (并列一作), Fang H, Dong Y, Wang C, Bao Y, Hou W, Zhou R, Ma X, Gai S, Wang L, Li S, Yang KQ, Sang YL. Genomic and transcriptomic analyses provide insights into valuable fatty acid biosynthesis and environmental adaptation of yellowhorn. Front Plant Sci. 2022, 13: 991197.

[6] Han Y, Zhang X, Liu P, Xu S, Chen D, Liu JN (并列通讯), Xie W. Microplastics exposure causes oxidative stress and microbiota dysbiosis in planarian Dugesia japonica. Environ Sci Pollut Res. 2022, 29(19): 28973-28983.

[7] Liang Q, Fang H, Liu JN, Zhang B, Bao Y, Hou W, Yang KQ. Analysis of the nutritional components in the kernels of yellowhorn (Xanthoceras sorbifolium Bunge) accessions. J Food Compos Anal. 2021, 100: 103925.

[8] Lu J, Liu JN, Sarsaiya S, Duns GJ, Han J, Jin L, Chen J. Phenotypic and transcriptomic analysis of two Pinellia ternata varieties T2 line and T2Plus line. Sci Rep. 2020, 10(1):4614.

[9] Zhao X, Gan L, Yan C, Li C, Sun Q, Wang J, Yuan C, Zhang H, Shan S, Liu JN (并列通讯). Genome-wide identification and characterization of long non-coding RNAs in peanut. Genes (Basel). 2019, 10(7): 536.

[10] Liang Q, Li H, Li S, Yuan F, Sun J, Duan Q, Li Q, Zhang R, Sang YL, Wang N, Hou X, Yang KQ, Liu JN (并列通讯), Yang L. The genome assembly and annotation of yellowhorn (Xanthoceras sorbifolium Bunge). Gigascience. 2019, 8(6): giz071.

[11] Li L, Liu J (并列一作), Zhang Q, Fu R, Zhu X, Li C, Chen J. Seed-borne viral dsRNA elements in three cultivated Raphanus and Brassica plants suggest three cryptoviruses. Can J Microbiol. 2016, 62(4): 287-95.

[12] Li L, Liu J (并列一作), Xu A, Wang T, Chen J, Zhu X. Molecular characterization of a trisegmented chrysovirus isolated from the radish Raphanus sativus. Virus Res. 2013, 176(1-2): 169-78.