李坤 校聘副教授
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作者: | 发布时间: 2020-05-25 | 浏览次数: 4488

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校聘 副教授








20229~至今 山东农业大学林学院,校聘副教授

20196~至今 山东农业大学  师资博士后

20169~20196月  山东农业大学,森林培育,农学博士(硕博连读)

20139~20166月  山东农业大学,生态学


山东省优秀毕业生;博士研究生国家奖学金;山东农业大学研究生优秀学术创新奖;山东省环境保护科学技术一等奖;《Forests》客座编辑Journal of Plant Ecology》审稿人




1. 人工林衰退机制研究

2. 困难立地植被恢复与重建

3. 林业碳汇


  1. 国家自然基金--刺槐萌蘖扩散格局、过程与形成机制研究参与;

  2. 十二五”农村领域国家科技计划--环境友好型城镇景观林构建技术研究与示范参与;

  3. 林业公益性行业科研专项--露采石矿植被恢复与重建关键技术研究与示范参与;

  4. 林业公益性行业科研专项--美丽城镇森林景观的构建技术研究与示范参与;

  5. 林业公益性行业科研专项--森林生态服务功能分布式定位观测与模型模拟参与;

  6. 山东省重大水利科研与技术推广项目--济南市南部山区三川流域生态修复与示范参与;

  7. 山东省林业科技创新项目--困难立地多功能可持续利用林草栽培关键技术研究与示范参与;

  8. 山东省林业保护和发展服务中心--碳中和背景下森林资源碳汇能力评估及增汇能力提升项目参与;


  1. Kun Li, Huimei Tian, W. Keith Moser, et al., Black locust coppice stands homogenize soil diazotrophic communities byreducing soil net nitrogen mineralization[J]. Forest ecosystems, 2022, 9:100025 (SCI 1)

  2. Kun Li, Ruiqinag Ni, Chaofan Lv, et al.,The effect ofRobinia pseudoacaciaexpansion on the soil particle size distribution on Mount Tai, China. Catena, 2022, 208, 105774 (SCI 1)

  3. Kun Li#, Xu Han#, Ruiqinag Ni, et al., Impact of Robinia pseudoacacia stand conversion on soil bacterial communities composition and soil properties in Mount Tai, China[J]. Forest ecosystems, 2021, 8:19 (SCI 1)

  4. Kun Li, Hui Li, Chuanrong Li, Huicheng Xie. Phytoremediation of aniline by Salix babylonica cuttings: Removal, accumulation, and photosynthetic response. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2021, 214, 112124 (SCI 2)

  5. Kun Li, Ruiqiang Ni, Tenglong Jiang et al., The regional impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on the air quality in Ji'nan, China[J]. Scientific Reports2022,12, 12099.(SCI 3)

  6. KunLi, Tao Zhang, Hui Li, et al. Phenolic acids inhibit the photosynthetic productivity of poplar[J]. PHOTOSYNTHETICA. 2020. 58 (5): 1210-1216 (SCI 3)

  7. KunLi, Hui Li, Ge Shi, et al. Physiological Responses of Scirpus validus to Nitrate Stress[J]. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2020;29(1):163–172 (SCI 4)

  8. Lu Wang#, Kun Li#, Jianyao Guo et al., Extracellular Enzyme Stoichiometry Reveals Soil MicrobialCarbon and Phosphorus Limitations in the Yimeng MountainArea, China[J]. Forests 2022, 13(5), 692 (SCI 3)

  9. Yang Lv, KunLi, Jialong Wan, et al. Effects of flower volatiles from two liana species on spontaneous behavior of mice[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2020, 40(1): 90-96.

  10. 李坤, 李传荣, 许景伟,郭慧玲, 陈玉, 韩滨, 赵玉尧, 张彩虹*. 3种典型道路景观林对诸城市夏季小气候条件的影响[J]. 生态环境学报, 2018, 27(6):1060-1066.

  11. Kun Li, Huanxiang Yang, Xu Han, Lingyu Xue, Yang Lv, Jinhua Li, Zhanyong Fu, Chuanrong Li*, Weixing Shen, Huiling Guo & Yikun Zhang . Fractal features of soil particle size distributions and their potential as an indicator of Robinia pseudoacacia invasion [J]. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8(1): 1-13.(SCI 3)

  12. 李坤, 李传荣, 杨焕祥, 梁强, 刘莉莉, 张彩虹*. 连作对欧美杨I-107叶片主要养分元素化学计量特征的影响[J]. 林业科学, 2017, 53(5):164-169.

  13. Hui Li#, Kun Li#, Haodong Liu, Tao Jing, Xiuhua Song, Lingyu Xue, Chuanrong Li*, Weixing Shen. The Effect of VOCs from the Branches and Leaves of Pistacia chinensis Bunge and Juniperus chinensis cv. Kaizukaon Mouse Behavior[J]. Bioresources, 2016, 11(4):10226-10239 (SCI 4)

  14. Kun Li, Lili Liu, Huanxiang Yang, Caihong Zhang, Huicheng Xie, Chuanrong Li*. Phytoremediation potential of three species of macrophytes for nitrate in contaminated water[J]. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2016, 7(8):1259-1267.

  15. Ying Lu#.; Liudong Zhang#; Kun Li; et al. Leaf and Root Litter Species Identity Influences Bacterial Community Composition in Short-Term Litter Decomposition. Forests,2022, 13, 1402.(SCI 3).